Sustainable Chemistry Commission
Conferința „Termodinamica echilibrelor chimice complexe în sisteme omogene și eterogene multicomponente. Aplicații în tratarea apelor“, marți 3 decembrie 2024, ora 11, Academia Română.
Modalitati de retinere a dioxidului de carbon in cateva tipuri de deseuri alcaline
Posibilități de colaborare cu Universitatea Națională Yuriy Fekovych Chernivtsi, Cernăuți, Ucraina, în cadrul școlilor doctorale, pe domeniul Chimie, pentru desfășurarea unor stagii de doctorat în co-tutelă
Webinar Metrohm Autolab: Spectroscopia de impedanță electrochimică (EIS) în cercetarea și dezvoltarea bateriilor, miercuri 12 aprilie 2023
Measurement platforms
for environmental contaminants
December 2nd, 2022
Measurement platforms for environmental
The objective of this talk regards the
development of new analytically performing
nanostructured surfaces to be used as
sensitive electrodes in electronic devices
such as chemo/biosensors for the detection
of relevant environmental analytes. Main
problems to be discussed concern: the
formulation of solutions with
conductive/non-conductive composite
materials and carbon-based nanomaterials;
optimal electrodeposition parameters of
solutions on interdigitated or planar gold
working electrodes, integration and testing
of novel nanostructured surfaces on real
samples using measurement platforms suited
for environmental contaminants and their
future remote sensing application. |
2nd Edition of
International Conference on Green Chemistry
and Renewable Energy (Online Event).
The conference will be organized during May
16-17, 2022. We are bringing together
eminent speakers from the entire Green
Chemistry spectrum to discuss and debate
developments in the field and hear
first-hand from researchers, scientists,
academicians, industry-leading experts,
budding scientists on how these advances and
challenges are shaping the future. |
For Submission of abstract,
visit: |
https://magnusconferences.com/green-chemistry/submit-abstract |
Modern methods of analysis
for volatile organic compounds (COV) from
samples with different matrices |
Sustainable solution for
natural mineral waters treatment |