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Published papers selection

M. Andreescu, The inverse approach to a geothermal profile of the Central Moesian Platform, Romania, Tectonophysics, 224, 435-442, 1993.

M. Andreescu, C. Demetrescu, M. Ene, M. Diaconescu, V. Raileanu, M. Diaconescu, F. Radulescu, A. Pompilian, D. Enescu, Complex geophysical study in the western part of the Moesian Platform and Carpathian Foredeep, Rev. Roum Géophysique, 38, 57-72, 1994.

M. Andreescu, C. Demetrescu, A thermal and rheological model for the lithosphere in the convergence zone of the Eastern Carpathians, Rev. Roum. Géophysique, 43, 45-57, 1999.

M. Andreescu, C. Demetrescu, Rheological implications of the thermal structure of the lithosphere in the convergence zone of the eastern Carpathians, J. Geodynamics, 31, 373-391, 2001.

M. Andreescu, S.B.Nielsen, G.Polonic, C.Demetrescu, The heat flux budget of the Transylvanian lithosphere. Reasons for a low surface heat-flux anomaly in a Neogene intra-Carpathian basin, Geophys. J. Int., accepted for publication, 2002.

V. Chiscan, A. Damian, Observatii privind evolutia geologica a selfului românesc al Marii Negre si consecinte, St. cerc. Geofiz., 34, 21-47, 1996.

V. Chiscan, A. Damian, Aspecte ale evolutiei geologice a sectorului moesic central Dobrogean acuatorial si consecinte, St. cerc. Geofiz. 35, 81-99, 1997.

E. Cretu, C.Ioana, C.Suteanu, F.Munteanu, M.Rusu, Time series generator based on cellular automata, Journal of Technical Physics, 38, 2, 271-276, 1997.

C. Demetrescu, S. Veliciu, D. Burst, Explanatory text-Romania, In: E. Hurtig, V. Cermak, R. Haennel, V. Zui (editors) Geothermal Atlas of Europe, VEB Hermann Haak, Gotha, 72-74, 1991.

C. Demetrescu, S. Veliciu, Heat flow and lithosphere structure in Romania, In: V. Cermak, L. Rybach (editors), Terrestrial Heat Flow and the Lithospere Structure, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, heidelberg, New York, 187-205, 1991.

C. Demetrescu, R.G. Dimitriu, C.S. Sava, M. Andreescu, Un câmp geomagnetic normal pentru sectorul românesc al platoului continental al Marii Negre, St. cerc. Geofizica, 30, 61-69, 1992.

C. Demetrescu, M. Andreescu, Magnetic and electromagnetic induction effects in the annual means of geomagnetic elements, NASA Technical Memorandum on “Types and Characteristics of Data for Geomagnetic Field Modelling”, NASA Conference Publication 3153, 333-340, 1992.

C. Demetrescu, Variatii regionale ale reologiei litosferei pe teritoriul României, St. Cerc. Geofizica, 31, 29-33, 1993.

C. Demetrescu, M. Andreescu, G. Polonic, M. Ene, Câmpul crustal de temperaturi pe teritoriul României. Model de conductie stationara. St. Cerc. Geofizica, 31, 19-28, 1993.

C. Demetrescu, George Atanasiu, Results of research on the secular variation of the geomagnetic field, Rev. Roum. de Géophysique, 38, 118-120, 1994.

C. Demetrescu, M. Andreescu, Magnetic and electromagnetic induction effects in the annual means of the vertical component of the geomagnetic field at European Observatories, Rev. Roum Géophysique, 38, 73-84, 1994.

C. Demetrescu, M. Andreescu, On the thermal regime of some tectonic units in a continental collision environment in Romania, Tectonophysics, 230, 265-276, 1994.

C. Demetrescu, A. Soare, D. Enescu, Contributii ale geofizicii generale la activitatea de prospectiune din tara noastra, St.cerc. Geofizica, 33, 81-87, 1995.

C. Demetrescu, G. Polonic, M. Andreescu, M. Ene, Thermal aspects of the geodynamic evolution of the Carpatho-Pannonian area, în: J.Sledzinski (Editor), Monograph of Soutern Carpathians, CERGOP Study Group 8 “Geotectonic Analysis of the Region of Central Europe”, Reports on Geodesy, 7, 217-230, 1998.

C. Demetrescu, H. Shimamura, Groundwater microtemperature measurements in Romania, In : G.Buntebarth (Ed.), Microtemperature Signals of the Earth’s Crust, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Papierflieger, 142-147, 1999.

C. Demetrescu, M. Andreescu, Thermal and rheological constants on tectonic models of convergence in the Eastern Carpathians, St. cerc. Geofizica 37, 1999.

C. Demetrescu, S.B.Nielsen, M.Ene, D.Z.Serban, G.Polonic, M.Andreescu, A.Pop, N.Balling, Lithosphere thermal structure and evolution of the Transylvanian Depression — Insights from new geothermal measurements and modelling results, Physics of the earth and planetary Interiors, 126, 249-267, 2001.

C. Demetrescu, H. Wilhelm, M. Ene, M. Andreescu, G. Polonic, C. Baumann, V. Dobrica, D.Z. Serban, On the geothermal regime of the foreland of the Eastern Carpathian bend, J. Geodynamics, 2002, submitted.

C. Ioana, F.Munteanu, C.Suteanu, D.Zugravescu, Local and global anisotropy in two-dimensional structures: a new estimation method, Romanian Geophysics, 2, P20, 1995.

F. Munteanu, C.Ioana, E.Cretu, C.Suteanu, D.Zugravescu, Algorithme pour la discrimination/ classification des séries temporelles. Implications dans la géodynamique (in French, with an English abstract), Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 38, 21-35, 1994.

F. Munteanu, D.Zugravescu, C.Ioana, C.Suteanu, Sur la possibilité d'utiliser le scénario de Feigenbaum pour modéliser certains phénomènes géodynamiques (in French, with an English abstract), Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 38, 3-9, 1994.

F. Munteanu, D.Zugravescu, M.Rusu, C.Suteanu, On the synergy of ruptures, Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 38, 11-20, 1994.

F. Munteanu, C.Ioana, C.Suteanu, D.Zugravescu, Discriminating transient dynamics and critical states in active geodynamic areas, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 33, 3-14, 1995.

F. Munteanu, C.Ioana, C.Suteanu, E.Cretu, Smoothing dimensions for time series characterization, Fractals, 3, 2, 315-328, 1995.

F. Munteanu, C.Suteanu, C.Ioana, D.Zugravescu, Fractal domains and dominant sizes in crack patterns, Romanian Geophysics, 2, C23, 1995.

G. Polonic, Structure of the crystalline basement in Romania, Rev. Roum. Geophys. 40, 57-71, 1996.

G. Polonic, Extensia – un proces geodinamic important în formarea Depresiunii Transilvaniei, St. cerc. Geofiz. 34, 47-61, 1996.

G. Polonic, Malita, Z., Geodynamic processes and seismicity in Banat (Romania). Rev de Géophysique, Rev Roum. de Géophys., Acad. Roum. 41 (in press), 1997

G.Polonic, F. Hauser, V.Raileanu, W.Fielitz, A. Bala, C. Prodehl, A.Schulze, Vrancea 99 - the crustal structure beneath the southeastern Carpathians and the Moesian Platform from a seismic refraction profile in Romania, Tectonophysics, 340, 233-256, 2001.

C. Suteanu,  D.Zugravescu, F.Munteanu, Data evaluation by means of histogram flows (in Romanian, with an English abstract), Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 31, 51-62, 1993.

C. Suteanu, C.Ioana, F.Munteanu, D.Zugravescu, Fractal aspects in solids fragmentation. Experiments and model with implications for geodynamics, Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 37, 61-79, 1993.

C. Suteanu, F.Munteanu, D.Zugravescu, Modeling of rock fragmentation emphasizing clustering on dominant size intervals (in Romanian, with an English abstract), Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 31, 63-79, 1993.

C. Suteanu,  La fragmentation - phénomène, instruments, sens (in French, with an English abstract), Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 32, 25-43, 1994.

C. Suteanu, D.Zugravescu, C.Ioana, F.Munteanu, Correlation in size- and space distributions pertaining to fragmented structures, Romanian Geophysics, 2, C22, 1995.

C. Suteanu, Data clustering detection for the evaluation of fragmentation phenomena,  Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 39, 13-24, 1995.

C. Suteanu, F.Munteanu, D.Zugravescu, Hierarchies, scaling and anisotropy in dehydration cracking, Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 39, 3-11, 1995.

C. Suteanu, Inhomogeneous resolution analysis method for outcomes of fragmentation processes, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 33, 15-29, 1995.

C. Suteanu, D.Zugravescu, F.Munteanu, C.Ioana, Self-organization in geodynamic phenomena, Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 40, 3-9, 1996.

C. Suteanu, Structuring by fragmentation revealed by 3-dimensional evaluation, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 34, 3-19, 1996.

C. Suteanu, C.Ioana, E.Cretu, F.Munteanu, Complex dynamics and self-organized criticality, Journal of Technical Physics, 38, 2, 345-348, 1997.

C. Suteanu, F.Munteanu, D.Zugravescu, Scaling regimes and anisotropy: towards an effective approach to complex geologic structures, Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 41, 25-43, 1997.

C.Suteanu, Ioana C., Munteanu F., Zugravescu D., Fragmentation laws and the collisional breakup of planetary bodies, Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 42, 15-26, 1998.

C. Suteanu, Events Thread analysis - a new approach to the investigation of seismogenic systems, Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 35, 21-33, 1998.

C. Suteanu, D.Zugravescu, F.Munteanu, Critical slip displacement along an active geodynamic fault: dynamics on the interface (in Romanian, with an English abstract), Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 35, 1-12, 1999.

C. Suteanu, Contrasting views of natural hazards: geodynamics and the public perception of extreme environmental variability, Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 44, 2000.

C. Suteanu, On the processes of meaning in geodynamics. Implications of a nonlinear approach, Revue Roumaine de Géophysique, 44, 2000.

C. Suteanu, D.Zugravescu, F.Munteanu, Fractal approach of structuring by fragmentation, in T.Blenkinsop, J.H.Kruhl and M.Kupkova (eds.), Fractal and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience, Basel, Birkhaeuser, 539-557, 2000.

C. Suteanu, D.Zugravescu, C.Ioana, Dynamic fingerprints of dissipative systems with discrete appearance: Applications in the study of seismicity, in J.H.Kruhl and H.-J.Krug (eds.), Non-Equilibrium Processes and Dissipative Structures in Geoscience, volume XI of "Yearbook for Complexity in Natural, Social and Human Sciences", Berlin, Duncker and Humblot, 209-228, 2001.

C. Suteanu, D.Zugravescu, F.Munteanu, Fractured rock structures - evaluation of orientation dependent scaling properties, in D.Zugravescu, C.Suteanu (eds.), Geodynamics - Outline of a Domain, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (in press), 2001.

C. Suteanu, D.Zugravescu, F.Munteanu, The seismic activity in the Vrancea region in the light of the Events Thread analysis, The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (in press), 2001.


C. Suteanu, Contrasting views of natural hazards: Geodynamics and the public perception of extreme environmental variability, in D.Zugravescu, C.Suteanu (eds.), The Active Geodynamic Zone of Vrancea, Romania, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (in press), 2001.

C. Suteanu, J.H. Kruhl, Investigation of heterogeneous scaling intervals exemplified by sutured quartz grain boundaries (accepted for publication in Fractals) (to appear in 2002).

D.Z. Serban, Steady state and transient processes affecting the heat flow determinations with application to the Transylvanian Depression, Rev. Roum. Geophys., 42, 75-91, 1998.

D.Z. Serban, B.H.Jacobsen, The use of broadband prior covariance for inverse paleoclimate estimation. Geophys. J. Int., 147, 29-40, 2001.

D.Z. Serban, S.B. Nielsen, C. Demetrescu, Transylvanian heat flow in the presence of topography, paleoclimate and groundwater flow, Tectonophysics, 335, 331-344, 2001.

D.Z. Serban, S.B.Nielsen, C.Demetrescu, Long wavelength ground  surface temperature history from continuous temperature logs in the Transylvanian Basin, Global Planetary Change, 29, 201-217, 2001.

D. Zugravescu, G. Polonic, Geodynamic compartments and present-day stress on the Romanian territory, Rev Roum. de Géophys., Acad. Roum., 41, 1997.

D. Zugravescu, F.Munteanu, C.Suteanu, Geodynamics - an evolving concept (in Romanian, with an English abstract), Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica, 37, 1-12, 1997.

D. Zugravescu, C.Suteanu, Géodynamique à l'echelle planétaire (Geodynamics at global scale) (in French); in D.Zugravescu, C.Suteanu (eds.), Geodynamics - Outline of a Domain, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (in press), 2001.

D. Zugravescu, M. Radulian, The Vrancea seismogenic zone - a natural geodynamics laboratory, in D.Zugravescu, C.Suteanu (eds.), The active geodynamic zone of Vrancea, Romania, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (in press), 2001.