The manuscripts should be carefully prepared, according to the
instructions from the user guide.
The maximum allowed length for submitted manuscripts is 8 pages.
Manuscripts should be written in Word DOC/DOCX format, with equations
written using MathType or Word Equation-Editor (inline equation is
preferred to be avoided).
A Latex template is also available,
but only for manuscripts submitted to the Mathematics section and to the
Physics section.
The editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript that is not
completely legible or does not conform to the standards cited above and
detailed in the user guide. In case a paper is finally
accepted, a copyright form will be mandatory to be signed, otherwise the
paper cannot be published. |
The address for manuscript submission and correspondence is: |
Romanian Academy, Technical Sciences Department,
Calea Victoriei 125, RO-71102, Bucharest, Romania,
Phone +40 21-212-8660; Fax +40 21-211-6608;
dumitriu.dan.n@gmail.com |